Importance of Vaccination

In order to carry out a good vaccination process in the production systems it is important to know which equipment is needed and its usefulness. Veterinary accessories are part of the basic material of any professional dedicated to animal health. Vaccination is, according to the OIE, a process where we seek to prevent and control the occurrence of infectious diseases in animals, and also to reduce the transmission of the pathogen agent. Ideally, vaccines should induce immunity that prevents infection.

Vaccines that may be available depending on the animal species are:

  • Cattle: IBR (Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis), DVB (Bovine Viral Diarrhea), VRSB (Bovine Syncytial Respiratory Virus), PI3 (Parainfluenza type 3), Leptospira, Rabies, Brucella, Campylobacter, Pasteurella, Salmonella, Clostridium.
  • Poultry: Marek disease, Coccidia, Gumboro, Newcastle, Smallpox, Coryza, Pasteurella (Article of interest: Bacterial vaccines for veterinary use)
  • Swine: Foot-and-mouth disease, Swine fever, Atrophic rhinitis, Parvovirus, Leptospira, Erisipela, Aujesky’s disease, E. coli.

Within all these vaccines there is a wide range of varieties related to their commercial presentation. In poultry, for example, vaccines can be administered by multiple routes: in ovo, by spraying, injected.

Vaccines have been one of the most effective methods for the control and prevention of infectious diseases on farms for many decades.